Wren House Wrenovation IPA KEG 2

Wren House Wrenovation IPA KEG 2


Barcode: NA

There’s just something special about a classic dry crisp & slightly bitter west coast IPA. It’s been awhile but Wrenovation has been heavy on our minds constantly scheming on how to produce a house west coast ipa that we are proud to stand behind. Built on an American Pilsner malt base dextrin malt and just a touch of malted oats and AZ grown Sonora wheat. Hopped aggressively with Amarillo & Simcoe early throughout and late into the boil and throughout the whirlpool. Dry hopped with some piney/dank Simcoe floral/grapefruit forward Amarillo and just a touch of orange heavy mandarina Bavaria. This snappy lil 7%-er is bursting with notes of orange zest pine and floral pink grapefruit.